A Conceptual Umbrella for Navigating the Treatment of At-Risk Families

J. Scott Fraser, David Grove, Mo Yee Lee, Gilbert J. Greene, Andy Solovey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The field of family therapy has evolved beyond approaches driven by specific model-drivenfactors to incorporate a range of factors found common to effective treatment (i.e.,commonfactors). From such a vantage point, the context of treatment is deemed a key componentto care, as is the therapist’s flexibility to match his or her therapeutic approach to what willbe most helpful to specific clients (Blow, Davis, & Sprenkle, 2012; Lebow, 2014; Sprenkle,Davis, & Lebow, 2009). This has been especially imperative for the treatment of families ofat-risk youths because this type of work is often complicated, as it requires practitioners tonavigate complex problems and the multiple systems that are involved in the care of thesefamilies. As such, Fraser, Grove, Lee, Greene, and Solovey’s textIntegrative Family andSystems Treatment (I-FAST): A Strengths-Based Common Factors Approachis a timelyaddition to the metaframework movement.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Oct 6 2014


  • Psychology
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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