Assessment in the Second Language Writing Classroom

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Assessment in the Second Language Writing Classroom is a teacher and prospective teacher-friendly book, uncomplicated by the language of statistics. The book is for those who teach and assess second language writing in several different contexts: the IEP, the developmental writing classroom, and the sheltered composition classroom. In addition, teachers who experience a mixed population or teach cross-cultural composition will find the book a valuable resource. Other books have thoroughly covered the theoretical aspects of writing assessment, but none have focused as heavily as this book does on pragmatic classroom aspects of writing assessment. Further, no book to date has included an in-depth examination of the machine scoring of writing and its effects on second language writers.

Crusan not only makes a compelling case for becoming knowledgeable about L2 writing assessment but offers the means to do so. Her highly accessible, thought-provoking presentation of the conceptual and practical dimensions of writing assessment, both for the classroom and on a larger scale, promises to engage readers who have previously found the technical detail of other works on assessment off-putting, as well as those who have had no previous exposure to the study of assessment at all.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 1 2010


  • writing assessment; assessment tools; second language writing; technology in the classroom; curriculum; testing; classroom assessment; large-scale writing assessment; high-stakes tests; standardized tests; multilingual writers; intensive English programs; English language learners; cross-cultural composition; machine scoring; teacher training; in-service teachers; pre-service teachers; reliability; validity; practicality; washback; rubrics; timed essays; peer review; portfolio assessment; teacher bias; plagiarism; fairness in writing assessment; political aspects of assessment; writing prompts; No Child Left Behind


  • Arts and Humanities
  • Education
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
  • English Language and Literature
  • Higher Education
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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