Electron Impact Vibrational Excitation Cross Sections of SiF<sub>4</sub>

R. Nagpal, A. Garscadden, Jerry D. Clark

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<p> Electron drift velocities in mixtures of SiF <sub> 4 </sub> and Ar have been measured using a pulsed&hyphen;Townsend type drift tube. A set of vibrational excitation cross sections of electron scattering in SiF <sub> 4 </sub> has been subsequently determined by the swarm analyses of measured transport data in highly dilute SiF <sub> 4 </sub> &minus;Ar mixtures. The derived cross sections are consistent with the electron transport properties over an order of magnitude in SiF <sub> 4 </sub> concentration in gas mixtures, thus providing evidence that the main features of their near threshold behavior, and of their absolute magnitude have been captured.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalApplied Physics Letters
StatePublished - Apr 1 1996


  • Electronic transport
  • Electorn impact ionization
  • Vibrational spectra
  • Electron scattering


  • Physics

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