Faculty and Peer Support During Pediatric Residency: Association With Performance Outcomes, Race, and Gender

Sarah Webber, Alan Schwartz, Kathi J. Kemper, Maneesh Batra, John D. Mahan, Jessica C. Babal, Daniel J. Sklansky, Ann Burke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: To examine the association of resident perception of colleague and faculty support with performance, as measured by milestones-based competency scores, exploring associations between race and gender and perception of support and milestone scoring.

Methods: Resident satisfaction was measured using an annual survey of residents at 49 pediatric residency programs in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Satisfaction with colleague and faculty support was measured using Likert scale survey questions. Pediatric Milestone Competency scores were obtained from the Association of Pediatric Program Directors' Longitudinal Educational Assessment Research Network. Analysis included linear fixed-effects models to examine the relationship between support satisfaction, race, gender, and spring milestone scores.

Results: Over 60% of eligible residents responded to the survey. The majority of residents were satisfied with colleague and faculty support, with those identifying as Asian or underrepresented in medicine (URM) reporting lower rates of satisfaction than White peers. Residents satisfied with colleague support had higher milestone scores compared to those with a neutral degree of satisfaction. Residents reporting dissatisfaction with colleague and faculty support had lower milestone scores in most competency domains. Residents identifying as URM had lower milestone scores than White residents, which was partially mediated by lower rates of support satisfaction.

Conclusions: Resident satisfaction with colleague and faculty support correlates with milestone performance. In particular, dissatisfied residents have lower scores than those who are neutral or satisfied. Racial inequities in resident milestone scores may be partially driven by lower rates of support satisfaction among underrepresented residents.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)366-374
JournalAcademic Pediatrics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2021


  • Child
  • Clinical Competence
  • Education, Medical, Graduate
  • Educational Measurement
  • Faculty, Medical
  • Humans
  • Internship and Residency*


  • Medical Education
  • Pediatrics

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