Fun (and Added Value) Things To Do With Your WebPAC

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


For many libraries, the WebPAC is still the main and only public access catalog for the collection. The presentation will include some add-on items that libraries have incorporated into their WebPACs to make them more functional, accessible and valuable to their patrons. Items to be presented include QR codes, SMS text of data, virtual bookplates, pictures of toys or artwork, context-sensitive help, and data feeds from companies like LibraryThing for Libraries or Amazon. An integration of the library catalog with Facebook, LibraryElf, and a locally customized kids' catalog will also be shown.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - May 8 2014


  • Facebook
  • LibraryElf
  • LibraryThing
  • QR codes
  • SMS
  • Virtual bookplates
  • WebPACs


  • Information Literacy
  • Library and Information Science

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