Hydrocarbon Ions in the Ionospheres of Titan and Jupiter

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Two examples are given of models of ion chemistry in reducing atmospheres: Titan, which is a satellite of Saturn, and Jupiter, the largest of the gas giants. In both ionospheres, layers of hydrocarbon and/or C, H, and N-containing ions have been predicted to appear, with larger ions dominating at lower altitudes. Altitude profiles are presented for individual C1- and C2-hydrocarbon ions and larger ions that are represented for example, as CxHy+ and CxHyNx+. The accuracy of the predictions is, however, limited by the availability of information about the chemistry of these ions. In addition to rate coefficients and product channels for ion-molecule reactions, dissociative recombination coefficients and branching ratios are needed for many hydrocarbon and and related ions.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalDissociative Recombination Theory Experiment and Applications III
StatePublished - Jan 1 1996


  • Astrophysics and Astronomy
  • Physical Sciences and Mathematics
  • Physics

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