Improving Data Visualization Skills: A Curriculum Design

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It is unclear whether the data visualization skills possessed by data-centric practitioners reflect recent advances in computing systems and visual design principles, and their role in generating relevant and insightful output to support decision-making. In this study, the author presents a curriculum designed for teaching basic and advanced concepts in data visualization. The author used the survey method to examine whether respondents perceived the pedagogic approach to have enhanced their data visualization competence. The findings indicate preference for a hands- on pedagogic approach to learning data visualization as compared to an entirely theory-based approach. Furthermore, different components of the pedagogic approach were reviewed. The respondents rated most components of the curriculum highly as well as the pedagogical structure. As a cognitive tool, the respondents recognized that visualization helps to generate deeper insights into data, and it supports effective decision-making.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)213-235
JournalInternational Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2022


  • Data visulization
  • Curriculum design
  • Pedagogy
  • Visual Analytics
  • Decision-making


  • Business

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