Mg2+ Buffering in Cultured Chick Ventricular Myocytes: Quantitation and Modulation by Ca2+: Quantitation and modulation by Ca2+

Kimberly L. Koss, Robert W. Putnam, Robert D. Grubbs

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


To characterize the Mg 2+ buffering of cultured chick ventricular myocytes, cytosolic Mg 2+ was increased by liberating Mg 2+ normally chelated by ATP upon total depletion of ATP content. Because the total Mg content and cell volume remained constant during this time, the difference between the amount of Mg 2+ liberated (2.7 mM) and the 0.9 mM increase in cytosolic Mg 2+ activity measured fluorometrically with mag-fura-2 indicates a sizable Mg 2+ buffering. A new term, the Mg 2+ buffer coefficient (B Mg ), was derived to quantify this buffering. We also determined that cytosolic Mg 2+ activity increased by only 0.6 mM in cells acutely exposed to zero external Ca 2+ during ATP depletion. In the absence of extracellular Ca 2+ , the basal cytosolic Ca 2+ activity (αCa i 2+ ) was reduced by 72%, whereas the increase in αCa i 2+ induced by ATP depletion was substantially blunted; no difference in either the time course of adenine nucleotide changes or the Ca and Mg content was observed. The B Mg value calculated for these cells indicates that Mg 2+ buffering is substantially greater in the absence of extracellular Ca 2+ (2.5) than when extracellular Ca 2+ is present (1.4), indicating that αCa i 2+ affects cytosolic Mg 2+ activity in ventricular myocytes. Therefore the Mg 2+ buffering of ventricular myocytes appears to be comprised of at least two components: 1) a Ca 2+ -insensitive adenine nucleotide pool and 2) a Ca 2+ -sensitive nonadenine nucleotide pool.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)C1259-C1269
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
Issue number5 33-5
StatePublished - May 1 1993

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Physiology
  • Cell Biology


  • adenosine 5'-triphosphate
  • calcium
  • fura-2
  • mag- fura-2
  • magnesium
  • ventricular myocytes


  • Medical Cell Biology
  • Medical Neurobiology
  • Medical Physiology
  • Medical Sciences
  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Neurosciences
  • Physiological Processes

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