New Perspectives on Elizabeth Bennet

Toni Guthrie, Margaret M. Dunn, Lori Halvorsen Zerne

Research output: Working paperPreprint


<p> In this session Toni Guthrie, Margaret Dunn, and Lori Halvorsen Zerne presented the following papers: <ul> <li> &ldquo;Women Who Like to Read: Jane Austen&rsquo;s and Elizabeth Bennet&rsquo;s Views of Education&rdquo; - Toni Guthrie </li> <li> &ldquo;Lessons in Mentorship from Elizabeth Bennet&rdquo; - Maragret Dunn </li> <li> &ldquo;Ideology in &lsquo;The Lizzie Bennet Diaries&rsquo;&rdquo; - Lori Halvorsen Zerne </li> </ul></p><p> At the end of the session the presenters answered questions from the audience.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Oct 12 2013


  • Arts and Humanities
  • English Language and Literature

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