Osup++/sup in the Venusian Ionosphere

Jane L. Fox, G. A. Victor

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Altitude profiles of the O++ densities in the Venusian ionosphere are computed, using a neutral model based on measurements made by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter mass spectrometer for daytime conditions. Double photoionization of atomic oxygen is the most important source of O++. O++ ions are lost by charge transfer to O, N2 and probably to CO2 and CO. The calculated profiles agree well with the ion densities measured by the PVO ion mass spectrometer. Dissociative charge transfer of O++ to N2 is found to be an important source of N+ at high altitudes. The effect of O++ on the ion chemistry is discussed.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Apr 1 1980
Event1980 EOS Spring Meeting - Harbour Castle Hilton, Toronto, Canada
Duration: May 22 1980May 27 1980


Conference1980 EOS Spring Meeting


  • Astrophysics and Astronomy
  • Physics

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