Reeling Them In: On-site Practicum Experiences for Library / Information Science Students in Distance Learning Programs

Charlotte M. Droll, Mary Lou Baker Jones

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


<p> Librarians at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio - two hundred miles from the state's only ALA-accredited Library and Information Science school at Kent State University - want to become actively engaged in promoting academic librarianship but have few local opportunities to do so. Dayton-area distance-learning students in the Kent State University program need practical experiences in academic libraries. The students' need for mentoring and hands-on experience and the librarians' desire to support their profession create the perfect environment for the establishment of a WSU Libraries' practicum program.</p><p> How It All Comes Together: <ul> <li> The KSU SLIS program encourages a practicum experience by making it an attractive capstone option </li> <li> The WSU University Libraries on-site supervisors canvas the Reference, Instruction and Collection Development staffs each term to identify activities that can be offered to practicum students and that will also benefit those departments. </li> <li> In the interview process and during the first weeks of the practicum, the practicum student and on-site supervisors construct an experience that is responsive to the needs of both the student and the librarians who are sponsoring each activity. </li> </ul></p><p> Benefits for WSU University Libraries: <ul> <li> Practicum students do some of our work: provide reference service via Information Desk and IM; work on collection management projects such as collection evaluation and weeding; assist with and even teach research classes. </li> <li> Librarians acquire supervisory experience and a fresh perspective. </li> <li> Librarians use the opportunity to influence, promote, and serve the profession. </li> </ul></p><p> Benefits for the profession: <ul> <li> Librarianship is marketed to the WSU student population. </li> <li> Practicum students enter the workforce better prepared. </li> </ul></p><p> Benefits for the practicum students: <ul> <li> LIS students get one-on-one attention that may be lacking in their distance-learning experience. </li> <li> LIS students have excellent and challenging opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge. </li> </ul></p><p> Challenges for the WSU University Libraries: <ul> <li> Training the students. </li> <li> Finding time to mentor / supervise. </li> <li> Collaborating with the students' advisors from a distance: this is an aspect of the practicum experience that the on-site supervisors expect to focus on this year. </li> </ul></p>
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 30 2007


  • Academic libraries -- United States, Library publications, Library students


  • Library and Information Science
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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