Structural and electronic properties of ZnSe/AlAs heterostructures

S. Rubini, E. Milocco, L. Sorba, E. Pelucchi, A. Franciosi, A. Garulli, A. Parisini, Yan Zhuang, G. Bauer

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Pseudomorphic ZnSe/AlAs(001) heterostructures were fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs wafers. Intrinsic stacking faults on {111} planes originating at the II-VI/III-V interface and propagating throughout the II-VI overlayer were the main type of native defects observed. The interface termination was varied by adsorption of Zn or Se onto the AlAs⁡(001)⁢3×1 surface prior to ZnSe growth. The resulting large changes in interface composition and band discontinuities mirror those obtained by employing Zn- or Se-rich growth conditions in the early stages of heterojunction fabrication. Band offsets calculated from first principles for ZnSe/GaAs, when rescaled by the different magnitude of the electrostatic interface dipole, yield a range of predictions in good agreement with experiment for ZnSe/AlAs.
Original languageAmerican English
Article number155312
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
StatePublished - Mar 29 2001
Externally publishedYes


  • ZnSe


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering

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