Thermal Dependence of Isometric Contractile Properties of Lizard Muscle

Robert W. Putnam, Albert F. Bennett

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<p> <ol> <li> </li> </ol></p><p> The thermal dependence of the isometric contractile properties of the iliofibularis and gastrocnemius muscles were studied at 5&deg;C intervals from 10&ndash;50&deg;C in lizards with different preferred body temperatures (PBT): <em> Dipsosaurus dorsalis </em> (PBT: 40&ndash;42&deg;C); <em> Cnemidophorus murinus </em> (40&deg;C); <em> Sceloporus occidentalis </em> (35&deg;C); and <em> Gerrhonotus multicarinatus </em> (25&ndash;30&deg;C). <li> </li></p><p> Isometric twitch and tetanic tensions were constant over a broad temperature range (as much as 25&deg;C) in all species. Tetanic tension declined by 50% at 45&ndash;47.5&deg;C in <em> Dipsosaurus </em> , 42.5&deg;C in <em> Cnemidophorus </em> , and 40&deg;C in <em> Sceloporus </em> and <em> Gerrhonotus </em> . <li> </li></p><p> Twitch contraction time (CT-the time to the peak twitch tension) increased with decreasing temperature from 10 ms to 300 ms. At any given temperature, the muscles of <em> Sceloporus </em> and <em> Gerrhonotus </em> had faster CTs than those of the other species. The CTs were minimal at the maximal test temperature. <li> </li></p><p> The maximal rate of tension development with tetanic stimulation ( <em> dP </em> <sub> o </sub> /dt) was strongly temperature dependent and was maximal at 40&ndash;45&deg;C in <em> Dipsosaurus </em> , 40&ndash;42.5&deg;C in <em> Cnemidophorus </em> , and 35&deg;C in <em> Sceloporus </em> and <em> Gerrhonotus </em> . <li> </li></p><p> The time properties of these muscles are highly temperature dependent and contractile tensions are broadly temperature independent. Except in <em> Gerrhonotus </em> muscles, the combination of twitch speed and tension generating capability is maximal at PBT, although neither parameter alone is maximized at PBT.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Comparative Physiology
StatePublished - Jan 1 1982


  • Medical Cell Biology
  • Medical Neurobiology
  • Medical Physiology
  • Medical Sciences
  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Neurosciences
  • Physiological Processes

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