Unsupplemented Artemia Diet Results in Reduced Growth and Jaw Dysmorphogenesis in Zebrafish

Michael P. Craig, Mitul B. Desai, Kate E. Olukalns, Scott E. Afton, Joseph A. Caruso, Jay R. Hove

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The number of laboratories using zebrafish as an experimental animal model has risen tremendously over the past two decades (Craig et al., 2006). As a result, the number of zebrafish facilities around the world has dramatically increased to meet the elevated demand for proper animal care and maintenance. In order to meet this demand, aquaculture facilities must employ husbandry protocols designed to produce a constant supply of healthy, viable eggs. Surprisingly, many husbandry strategies, particularly feeding protocols, are frequently passed down from members of one lab to another in a colloquial fashion without rigorous experimental validation. An ideal diet should consist of a minimal variety of foodstuffs designed to be nutritionally complete, simple to prepare, non-fouling, and cost-effective. Previous studies aimed at streamlining adult zebrafish feeding strategies in large aquaculture facilities have emphasized cost-effective, single-food models, but such diets lead to diminished survivorship and reproductive capacity (Goolish et al., 1999; Meinelt et al., 1999; Barnard & Bagatto, 2002), suggesting that these diets are lacking in some key nutritional component(s). Restricting adult fish diets to single foodstuffs, while desirable from a time and cost perspective, may not provide the trace mineral balance needed for adequate hormone and enzyme production, proper skeletal formation, and other biochemical or physiological needs. Nonetheless, given the intense breeding schedules many facilities are forced to adopt to meet research needs, a sing

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 23 2011


  • Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology
  • Life Sciences
  • Molecular Biology

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