Visualizing Morphometric Data of Vasculatures

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Volume visualization is a common, very well-established visualization technique for volumetric data sets. Numerous advancements have been proposed and sophisticated improvements have been implemented to produce elaborated renderings that are capable of enhancing details within the volume. However, volume visualization alone is often not sufficient for the application domain. Often times, researchers are interested in accurate measurements extracted from volumetric data to gain further insight of the specimen. These extracted measurements can then be used to generate and visualize a geometric reconstruction of the specimen. The visualization can incorporate additional tools that allow researchers to determine additional measurements of the specimen to help in the analysis. This paper describes such a software system which is capable of accurately extracting measurements from volumetric data, reconstructing the geometric properties of the specimen, and interactively visualizing the results, thereby allowing researcher to further investigate the geometric configuration of the specimen.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Oct 29 2007


  • Geometric Reconstruction
  • Morphometric Measurements
  • Visualization of Vascular Structures


  • Computer Sciences
  • Engineering

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